Terrapin Resources

Animation Demo

by Stan Munson

Animation Demo using 3 techniques:

ANIMATE uses flip-book technique where an object animates by repeatedly changing shapes.
Each of the 16 turtles has been assigned a list of shapes to cycle through over and over.

MOVE uses a defined path of xy-coordinates and repeatedly does SETHEADNG TOWARDS a point and then FORWARD 1 until the turtle arrives. The paths can be short and straight …

… or long and windy. ANIMATE and MOVE can be used together. The bug is cycling through 3 shapes. And the turtle can still draw with the pen while it’s animating.

WANDER is just taking 1 step at a time in the direction you’re heading and going forever. In case you didn’t figure out what the flashing letters were doing, check out the banners set up with LOADSNAP and then animated with WANDER. The letters are as they appear in the Shapes folder of the Toolbox. As turtle shapes, they took on the color of the pen.


Procedure MAIN
Description Demo of different types of animation
Level Advanced
Tags Animation, Demo