Terrapin Resources

Dice Simulation

by Stan Munson

Adjust the slider for the number of rolls you want to simulate.
Note that you can also use the left and right arrow keys to change this value.
Then click the Roll count button.

The DICE chart shows each die separately. One die is tabulated in the columns; the other die is tabulated in the rows. This lets you see, for example, how many times you rolled a 5/4 combination compared to a 4/5 combination.

The DICE chart tabulates all die rolls. The total here is always twice your request since the simulation is for pairs of dice. The ROLL chart tabluates the sum of each dice roll.

The percentages for the DICE chart rows and columns and the percentages for the DIE rows should be very close when a large number of rolls is requested. The percentages for the ROLL chart are a starting points for investigating the game of craps.

Note that you can turn off the dice roll animation for large numbers.


Procedure MAIN
Description An analysis of rolls of pairs of dice.
Level Advanced
Tags Math, Random