ScatterGrams is a two-player game of scrambled words. It is fully described in the Terrapin Logo Tutorial Manual.
; ScatterGrams
; A game of jumbled words in which two players
; compete for the highest score. Players can
; control the word size and turtle speed.
; The setup routine is invoked automatically after
; the ScatterGrams.lgo file is loaded into the
; workspace. The WAIT statement causes the
; Listener is 'sleep' in that it will not respond
; to any keystrokes made by the players during
; the game.
; It would seem like nothing could run with the
; Listener asleep, but since the game is actually
; started with a click of a button, this is not
; a problem.
to setup
; Differences between Logo 3 and Logo 4;
make "this.version 3 ; default since that's where it started
if member? "|Version 4| version make "this.version 4 ; adjustments are needed
pprop "scores "visible "true
wait 999999999 ; force Listener to sleep
; The setup.screen routine adjusts the Listener
; and Grahpics windows, creates an additional
; graphic window, and them places the player controls
; in the extra graphic window.
to setup.screen
command findmenuid "window "|standard window layout|
; make the Listener invisible
pprop "Listener "visible "false
; setup Graphics screen
pprop "Graphics "title "|ScatterGrams|
pprop "Graphics "drawsize [457 457]
; get rid of the color picker and the toolbox
pprop "colorpicker "visible "false
pprop "toolbox "visible "false
; setup the extra graphics screen for player controls
; initally invisible until all controls are placed
declare "graphics "scores
pprop "scores "visible "false
pprop "scores "drawsize [157 457]
pprop "scores "position [465 0]
pprop "scores "title "|Scores|
; setup player 1 controls
declare "editbox "name.1
pprop "name.1 "size [150 20]
pprop "name.1 "position [0 213]
pprop "name.1 "text "|Player 1 put name here|
declare "listbox "word.list.1
pprop "word.list.1 "size [150 68]
pprop "word.list.1 "position [0 170]
repeat 3 [ask "word.list.1 [remove 0]]
declare "statictext "score.1
pprop "score.1 "size [150 16]
pprop "score.1 "position [0 125]
pprop "score.1 "text "|Score: 0|
declare "scrollbar "speed.1
pprop "speed.1 "size [150 13]
pprop "speed.1 "position [0 108]
if :this.version = 3 [pprop "speed.1 "minimum 20][pprop "speed.1 "minimum 100]
if :this.version = 3 [pprop "speed.1 "maximum 200][pprop "speed.1 "maximum 800]
if :this.version = 3 [pprop "speed.1 "value 100][pprop "speed.1 "value 300]
declare "statictext "speednote.1
pprop "speednote.1 "size [150 16]
pprop "speednote.1 "position [0 93]
pprop "speednote.1 "text "| Slow <-- Turtle speed --> Fast|
declare "popup "word.size.1
pprop "word.size.1 "size [150 21]
pprop "word.size.1 "position [0 72]
repeat 3 [ask "word.size.1 [remove 0]]
ignore ask "word.size.1 [append "|Random word size|]
ignore ask "word.size.1 [append "|3-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.1 [append "|4-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.1 [append "|5-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.1 [append "|6-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.1 [append "|7-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.1 [append "|8-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.1 [append "|9-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.1 [append "|10-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.1 [append "|11-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.1 [append "|12-letter words|]
pprop "word.size.1 "index 0
; setup player 2 controls
declare "editbox "name.2
pprop "name.2 "size [150 20]
pprop "name.2 "position [0 -70]
pprop "name.2 "text "|Player 2 put name here|
declare "listbox "word.list.2
pprop "word.list.2 "size [150 68]
pprop "word.list.2 "position [0 -113]
repeat 3 [ask "word.list.2 [remove 0]]
declare "statictext "score.2
pprop "score.2 "size [150 16]
pprop "score.2 "position [0 -158]
pprop "score.2 "text "|Score: 0|
declare "scrollbar "speed.2
pprop "speed.2 "size [150 13]
pprop "speed.2 "position [0 -175]
if :this.version = 3 [pprop "speed.2 "minimum 20][pprop "speed.2 "minimum 100]
if :this.version = 3 [pprop "speed.2 "maximum 200][pprop "speed.2 "maximum 800]
if :this.version = 3 [pprop "speed.2 "value 100][pprop "speed.2 "value 300]
declare "statictext "speednote.2
pprop "speednote.2 "size [150 16]
pprop "speednote.2 "position [0 -190]
pprop "speednote.2 "text "| Slow <-- Turtle speed --> Fast|
declare "popup "word.size.2
pprop "word.size.2 "size [150 21]
pprop "word.size.2 "position [0 -211]
repeat 3 [ask "word.size.2 [remove 0]]
ignore ask "word.size.2 [append "|Random word size|]
ignore ask "word.size.2 [append "|3-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.2 [append "|4-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.2 [append "|5-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.2 [append "|6-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.2 [append "|7-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.2 [append "|8-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.2 [append "|9-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.2 [append "|10-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.2 [append "|11-letter words|]
ignore ask "word.size.2 [append "|12-letter words|]
pprop "word.size.2 "index 0
; place buttons initially disabled
declare "button "play.button
pprop "play.button "position [0 30]
pprop "play.button "text "|Play|
pprop "play.button "run [make " launch []]
pprop "play.button "enabled "false
declare "button "instruction.button
pprop "instruction.button "position [0 0]
pprop "instruction.button "text "|Instructions|
pprop "instruction.button "run [show.instructions]
pprop "instruction.button "enabled "false
declare "button "quit.button
pprop "quit.button "position [0 -30]
pprop "quit.button "text "|Quit|
pprop "quit.button "run [quit.routine]
pprop "quit.button "enabled "false
; now make the controls visible
pprop "scores "visible "true
; The demo.screen routine in invoked by setup
; and sets up SCATTERGRAMS as the secret word
; which is then automatically solved.
to demo.screen
make "secret "scattergrams
make "scattered jumble :secret
make "solved.x :solved.x.anchor - 32 * (count :secret) / 2
assign.turtles :scattered
wait 3000
auto.solve :secret
pprop "play.button "enabled "true
pprop "instruction.button "enabled "true
pprop "quit.button "enabled "true
; The assign.turtles routine creates the turtles needed
; for the current secret word which has been jumbled and
; passed as an input. Turtle.1 gets the first letter,
; Turtle.2 gets the second letter, and so on. Turtle.0
; is not used because I wanted the letter position and
; the turtle number to be the same. The turtles are made
; 50% larger than normal with SETTS (set turtle size).
; I make sure the turtles are showing (ST), their pens
; are up (drawing lines here would be messy), and each
; is assigned a random color (PICK :MY.COLORS). I set the
; turtles' SHAPELOCK attribute so the letters would always
; be upright and easier to read. Turtle headings are set
; using a formula similar to drawing a polygon. I decided
; that this symmetry was the best way to go even though the
; game is called ScatterGrams; a random heading assignment
; could have given multiple turtles the same heading which
; would have resulted in overlapped letters. Turtles are
; set in motion (SETVELOCITY) based on the setting of the
; current player's speed control.
; NOTE: Some of these commands had to been done with EACH
; so that each individual turtle exectues the command
; for itself. For example, if PICK :MY.COLORS was not
; done inside EACH, all the turtles would end up the
; same color. Other commands are applied to all active
; turtles at the same time and in the same way.
to assign.turtles :word
setactivewindow "graphics
setturtles 1 + count :word
ask 0 [ht]
tellall 1 count :word
each [setshape (word "~ (item who :word) ".bmp)]
setts 1.5
each [showturtle penup setpc pick :my.colors]
each [pprop who "shapelock "true]
each [setheading who * (360 / count :word)]
setvelocity current.speed
; The auto.solve routine steps through the SCATTERGRAMS word
; and calls the disable routine for each letter.
to auto.solve :word
if empty? :word [stop]
disable first :word
auto.solve butfirst :word
; The disable routine is called when a correct letter
; has been typed. The position number of the letter in
; the :scattered variable is the number of the turtle
; to work with. The turtle size is reset to normal, the
; speed is set to zero, the turtle is positioned at the
; bottom of the screen, a random musical note is played,
; and the who list is updated. Once a letter has been
; guessed and the corresponding turtle's speed has been set
; to zero, I don't want that turtle included in the list of
; currently active turtles. Also, the :scattered
; variable is updated by replacing the letter with a
; hyphen so that this letter will not be used again and
; also to keep the other letters in their original
; positions (remember that letter positions correspond
; to turtle numbers).
to disable :letter
(local "turtle "current.who)
make "current.who .who
make "turtle find :letter :scattered
make "scattered mark :letter :scattered
if :this.version = 3 [pprop :turtle "velocity 0][pprop :turtle "crawl 1]
pprop :turtle "size [31 31]
pprop :turtle "position solved.position
play list pick [o3 o4 o5] word 16 pick [a b c d e f g]
make "current.who butmember :turtle :current.who
tell :current.who
; The find routine outputs the position number of
; the first occurrence of :letter in its input word.
; It does not matter if the word has duplicate letters.
to find :letter :word
if :letter = first :word [output 1]
output 1 + find :letter butfirst :word
; The mark routine substitutes a hyphen in place of
; the first occurrence of :letter in its input word.
; It does not matter if the word has duplicate letters.
to mark :letter :word
if :letter = first :word [output word "- butfirst :word]
output word first :word mark :letter butfirst :word
; The solved.position routine outputs a list containing the
; x and y coordinates of where a turtle will be placed after
; its letter has been guessed. The :solved.x variable is
; updated for the next position.
to solved.position
local "temp
make "temp list :solved.x :solved.y
make "solved.x :solved.x +
output :temp
; The setup.globals procedure assigns values to variables that may be used
; by many procedures. I know there have been discussions about whether or
; not globals should be used at all, but I think this is a reasonable thing
; to do for this game. I felt it was simpler to have these global variables
; accessible to any procedure without worrying about remembering to pass them
; as parameters.
to setup.globals
make "word.list.3 [cat hat bat sat dog log hog the him her his our tot rot got too \
sit mop man see son sun set hop one pun pin tin lot fun fan sap zip hip ray dig big \
fig rig pig red bed run nun win sip tie two cry sin fin can jam ran bit fit bee cow \
set pet wet bug rug hug put nut bag gag rag tag lip car jar far pen hen ask toe arm \
egg fly dry why try low sew mix six fix]
make "word.list.4 [colt that what logo pogo good look mint book them ruin fail safe \
tree said bolt yell blue pink show from prom fast past buzz nest door best vein part \
rest cook look most bake rake lake fish dish wish hand sand band land crab bear deaf \
drip fall tall ball call wall base case vase dime tell bell vest test nail rail sail \
cart beam seam pail tail task doll pill hill will bill fill pair hair nose knee gate \
foot tear pear show fear skin skip clip bird word moon lamp fame ring sing]
make "word.list.5 [print diary space place pizza salad green crime fight might light \
sight today mouse house cream dream flask earth still photo chair thumb elbow ankle \
wrist waist mouth grape melon apple peach lemon brush heard jewel equal angel fruit \
plant paint sheet shirt pants socks radio world great guest fling thing heart blood \
uncle horse nurse floor clock throw three eight cover]
make "word.list.6 [marine people rewind legend career hockey museum artist sister \
stereo finger orange yellow cherry banana breeze mirror branch cheese planet flower \
remote pillow bureau sermon church scream drawer hangar people mother father nephew \
doctor candle basket tissue saucer temper health]
make "word.list.7 [receive vacuums beatles picture pitcher printer spinach survive \
bundles players between buttons physics]
make "word.list.8 [receiver headache comedian keyboard baseball football function \
macaroni terrapin reaching addition whenever]
make "word.list.9 [comedians macintosh telephone procedure spaghetti astronaut \
cartesian agreement functions geography chemistry implement workspace saxophone]
make "word.list.10 [astronauts procedures microscope background winchester \
characters television earthquake beekeepers]
make "word.list.11 [interactive approximate evaporation radioactive vaccination \
information programming mathematics instruction illustrator entertainer hummingbird]
make "word.list.12 [hummingbirds neighborhood entertainers condensation subprocedure \
approximates instructions experimental encyclopedia]
make "min.word.size 3
make "max.word.size 12
make "already.used []
make "solved.x.anchor 0
make "solved.y -200
make " 32
make "scattered "
make "current.player 1
; To make this work with Logo 3 and Logo 4, I switched the colors to RGB triplets to
; avoid color name errors.
; It was: make "my.colors butmember "white bm "yellow bm "silver bm "gray colors
make "my.colors [[0 0 0] [139 0 0] [255 0 0] [255 165 0] [0 255 0] [0 255 255] [0 128 0] [0 0 255] [0 0 128] [255 0 255] [128 0 128] [165 42 42] [255 192 203] [255 215 0]]
make "total.score.1 0
make "total.score.2 0
make " 5
; The setup.replay routine is invoked by either the 'Restart game' button
; or the 'Play again' button (actually they are the same button but the
; TEXT attribute has been changed). Certain global variables need to be
; reset and then the procedure is launched to start a new game.
to setup.replay
if :this.version = 3 [(halt][halt]
repeat 5 [ask "word.list.1 [remove 0]]
repeat 5 [ask "word.list.2 [remove 0]]
pprop "score.1 "text 0
pprop "score.2 "text 0
make "total.score.1 0
make "total.score.2 0
make "already.used []
tell every "turtle
wait 1000
make " launch []
; The unique.random procedure selects a new random word for each round.
; Words that have already been chosen are kept in the :already.used
; list so they will not be chosen again for the current game.
to unique.random :word.list
local "selection
make "selection item (random count :word.list) :word.list
if member? :selection :already.used [output unique.random :word.list]
make "already.used fput :selection :already.used
output :selection
; The jumble, jumble1 and remove.item procedures work together to
; mix up the letters of a word.
to jumble :word
if (count :word) < 2 [output :word]
output jumble1 :word random count :word
to jumble1 :word :n
if (count :word) < 2 [output :word]
output word (item :n :word) (jumble1 (remove.item :n :word) (random ((count :word) - 1)))
to remove.item :n :word
if :n < 2 [output butfirst :word]
output word (first :word) (remove.item (:n - 1) (butfirst :word))
; The current.word.list procedure was made up as a shortcut for
; referencing the list of words to pick a word from. Notice that
; it uses the current.word.size procedure which outputs a number
; based on the current player's word size control setting.
to current.word.list
output thing word "word.list. current.word.size
; The current.word.size procedure uses the index of the currently
; selected item in the current player's word size control to
; determine the word size to use for this round. The first item
; in the word size control is index 0 which contains the phrase
; 'Random word size.' Index 1 contains '3-letter words, Index 2
; contains '4-letter words' and so on.
to current.word.size
local "index
make "index gprop (word "word.size. :current.player) "index
if :index = 0 \
[output random.between :min.word.size :max.word.size] \
[output 2 + :index]
; The current.speed procedure outputs the value of the
; current player's speed control.
to current.speed
output round gprop (word "speed. :current.player) "value
; The random.between procedure outputs a random number
; that is between the starting value :a and the ending
; value :b.
to random.between :a :b
output (:a - 1) + random (:b - :a + 1)
to show.instructions
if empty? gprop "Instructions "visible [create.instructions]
make "standard.output gprop "Instructions "channel
setactivewindow "Instructions
print "~C
print "|Welcome to ScatterGrams!|
print "
print "|It's a fun game of jumbled words and letters.|
print "
print "|The object is to type the word more quickly and|
print "|accurately than your opponent to score more|
print "|points.|
print "
print "|You can control the word size and the turtle speed|
print "|but keep in mind that longer words and faster turtles|
print "|usually mean a higher score.|
print "
print "|So, fill in your names, make your selections, and|
print "|press PLAY to begin the fun.|
to create.instructions
declare "output "Instructions
pprop "Instructions "position [0 0]
pprop "Instructions "drawsize [457 457]
; The routine is the real starting point of a game. It
; uses the subprocedures play.rounds, play.round, play.word and
; play.letter. Notice the changes that are made to the play button.
; When ScatterGrams is first loaded into the workspace, this button
; is labeled 'Play'. Once a game has started, the button's text is
; changed to 'Restart game' and the RUN attribute is changed to
; invoke the setup.replay procedure.
setactivewindow "Graphics
pprop "play.button "run [setup.replay]
pprop "play.button "text "|Restart game|
wait 1000
; The play.rounds procedure is essentially a loop that
; counts down the number of rounds (defined as 5 in
; setup.globals). So, when it gets down to 1, it is
; really at the last round of the game. If player 2 is
; already ahead in the score by the last round, then
; there is no need to play this round. (Just like in
; baseball when the home team is ahead in the last
; inning.)
to play.rounds :rounds
if :rounds = 0 [stop]
make "current.player 1
if and (:rounds = 1) (:total.score.2 > :total.score.1) [stop]
make "current.player 2
play.rounds :rounds - 1
; The play.round procedure selects the secret word for
; this round, resets the location for the solved letters,
; assigns the turtles, resets the typo counter, gets the
; starting time, clears any buffered keystrokes, and
; then invokes play.word.
; NOTE: The RUN attribute of the current player's speed
; control is changed here to allow just this
; player to affect the turtle speed.
to play.round
make "secret unique.random current.word.list
make "scattered jumble :secret
make "solved.x :solved.x.anchor - 32 * (count :secret) / 2
assign.turtles :scattered
pprop word "speed. :current.player "run [setvelocity current.speed]
make "typos 0
make "time.0 time
play.word :secret
; The play.word procedure is just a loop that invokes
; play.letter for each letter of its input word. After
; all the letters have been played, it invokes the
; word.finish procedure and stops.
to play.word :word
if empty? :word [word.finish (discard 0) stop]
play.letter first :word
play.word butfirst :word
; The play.letter procedure is where most of the
; games time is spent. This procedure reads the
; keyboard input and compares it to the letter
; given as input. When a match is found, the
; corresponding turtle is disabled and this
; procedure stops. Any other input is a typo.
to play.letter :letter
while [not equal? :letter (uppercase char getbyte)] [
make "typos :typos + 1
play [m10 n56 r]
disable :letter
; The word.finish procedure gets the end time, updates the
; current player's word list with the word that was just
; played along with its score, updates the current player's
; total score, and clears the RUN attribute of the current
; player's speed control.
to word.finish
local "put.word
make "time.1 time
make "put.word parse (word "append char 32 char 34 char 124 lowercase :secret char 32 char 40 word.score char 41 char 124)
ignore ask word "word.list. :current.player :put.word
update (word "total.score. :current.player) word.score
pprop (word "score. :current.player) "text (word "|Score: | (thing word "total.score. :current.player))
pprop word "speed. :current.player "run []
; The word.score procedure compute the score of the word just played
; based on the length of the word, the number of seconds it took for
; the player to solve the word, the number of typos that were made,
; and the speed at which the turtles were moving.
; NOTE: If you want adjust the scoring, this is where to do it.
to word.score
(local "start.time "end.time "time.penalty "points.per.letter "temp.score)
make "start.time (3600 * first :time.0) + (60 * first bf :time.0) + last :time.0
make "end.time (3600 * first :time.1) + (60 * first bf :time.1) + last :time.1
make "time.penalty :end.time - :start.time - count :secret
make "points.per.letter ((current.speed / 10) * (:max.word.size / count :secret))
make "temp.score round (:points.per.letter * ((count :secret) - (:typos / 2)) - :time.penalty)
if :temp.score < 0 [output 0]
output :temp.score
; The game.done procedure determines the winner (or a tie) and
; uses the winner's name (or 'TIE GAME') as the secret word
; which it then automatically solves. Once the game is
; finished, the 'Restart game' button is changed to 'Play again'.
to game.done
(discard 0)
make "secret get.winner
make "scattered jumble :secret
make "solved.x :solved.x.anchor - 32 * (count :secret) / 2
assign.turtles :scattered
if :this.version = 3 [setvelocity 100][setvelocity 200]
wait 3000
auto.solve :secret
tellall 1 count :secret
setheading 0
if :this.version = 3 [setvelocity 60][setvelocity 100]
pprop "play.button "text "|Play again|
; The get.winner procedure output either the name of
; the winning player or 'TIE GAME' if it's a tie score.
to get.winner
if :total.score.1 = :total.score.2 [output "|tie game|]
if :total.score.1 > :total.score.2 [output 1]
output 2
; The procedure uses and displayable? to
; make up the name of the winning player. There is a limit to
; how many and which characters can be displayed. I only have
; shapes for letters, digits and a blank.
to :player
local "winner
make "winner uppercase gprop word "name. :player "text
if empty? :winner [output word "player :player]
make "winner :winner :max.word.size
if empty? :winner [otuput word "player :player]
output :winner
to :name :max
if empty? :name [output " ]
if :max = 0 [output " ]
if displayable? first :name [output word (first :name) ( butfirst :name :max - 1)]
output butfirst :name :max
to displayable? :letter
if :letter = char 32 [output "true]
output member? :letter "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
; The update routine uses indirect references to add one
; thing to another.
to update :item :value
make :item (thing :item) + :value
; The get.ready routine is just a pause while one player turns over the
; control of the keyboard to another player before the round starts.
; I did not want the timer to start until a player was ready to go.
to get.ready
(discard 0)
ignore alert (word "|Player | :current.player "| -- Just press Enter when ready|)
to quit.routine
command findmenuid "debug "|restart logo|
(LOCAL "LF "PP "SAMPLE.TEXT "P1 "P2 "P3 "P4 "P5 "P6 "P7 "P8 "P9 "P10)
MAKE "P1 ScatterGrams is a fun game of scrambled words written by Stan Munson.
MAKE "P2 It is fully explained in the Terrapin Logo Tutorial Manual.
; Startup routine
Procedure | setup.screen |
Description | Two player game of scrambled words. |
Level | Intermediate |
Tags | Game, Controls |