Terrapin Resources


by Stan Munson

Information and Help
The Target game is a way to practice guessing headings and distances.
Type COMPASS for help with setting the headings at 30-degree increments.
Or try (COMPASS 24) or (COMPASS 8) for more or fewer degree increments.
Type GRIDON for help with setting distances using the default 100-step increments.
Or type GRID 50 for a tighter grid pattern. You will still need to do GRIDON to see it.

Type SHOOT followed by the turtle number and the heading and distance to the target.
Each of the five turtles shows its number.
For example, type SHOOT 1 90 300 to aim turtle 1 at 90 degrees and go forward 300 in that direction.
Each shot reports the color where the turtle landed. SKYBLUE is a miss!

You can use the Logo commands RT, LT and FD rather than SHOOT.
If you do this, first use TELL to talk to the specific turtle.
Then use FIRE with a distance to shoot after entering Logo commands.
For example, type: TELL 1 RT 120 FIRE 300

To play again using SHOOT, type READY.
To play again using FIRE, type REPLAY.

Good luck! (To see a pro do it, type ROBIN.HOOD!)


Procedure MAIN
Description A way to practice angles and distances by aiming for a target.
Level Advanced
Tags Game, Estimation, Angles