Sample Lessons
Go Blue-Bot Go!
Students will determine the distance of 1 unit of Blue-Bot. This will be helpful when using Blue-Bot and for solving future challenges.
- Estimation
- Distance
- Measurement
Materials Needed
- Blue-Bot
- String or other resource for measuring such as yarn or ribbon
- Marker
- Scissors
Place Blue-Bot on the floor. Have a student place one end of string next to the front of Blue-Bot. Another student presses the Forward arrow button once and then presses Go. Blue-Bot will move forward one unit. Mark the string where the front of Blue-Bot stopped. Cut the string where marked. This represents the distance of one unit of Blue-Bot.
- Have students create a name for the unit of measurement.
- Compare the string to a ruler and see how many inches/centimeters one unit of Blue-Bot represents.
- Estimate how many units it will take to move Blue-Bot to a designated location in the classroom. Try the program with the robot and see if you were correct, or if you underestimated or overestimated the distance.
Getting to Know You
Students will apply units of measurement to move the Blue-Bot to another location.
- Estimation
- Distance
- Measurement
- Direction
Materials Needed
- Blue-Bot
Have the students sit in a circle. One student begins by choosing another student sitting across the circle and then estimates how many units it will take Blue-Bot to reach the selected student. The student who goes first will estimate, test, and adjust if necessary. Once Blue-Bot reaches the other student, have that student answer a question before selecting yet another student to program Blue-Bot to reach. The teacher can ask a question that is general, such as what is their favorite animal, movie or book. Or you can incorporate questions from current units of study.
- Addition problems: Write each student’s initial estimate on a chalkboard, dry erase board, or somewhere that all can see. For example if a student estimates “forward 5”, write 5. If the estimate is too short, put a plus sign next to the 5, creating an addition problem where you can add the additional units needed to reach the desired location. Place Blue-Bot where it began, enter the additional units and select Go. (Blue-Bot remembers the previous entry.) Or, clear Blue-Bot’s memory by selecting the Clear (X) key, and then enter the new estimated total.
- Apply the same concept for subtraction. If Blue-Bot goes too far, students can use the back button to take away steps. Make sure you place Blue-Bot back where it started.
Don’t forget that Blue-Bot holds all previous commands entered. Unless the Clear (X) key is pressed, Blue-Bot will include its previous commands, adding any new ones that you enter onto the end of the whole program. You can delete previous commands to start over with a fresh command sequence by selecting the Clear button (X).