Moving InO-Bot
Use Logo turtle movement commands FORWARD (FD), BACK (BK), LEFT (LT), and RIGHT (RT) to move InO-Bot. Each of these commands also moves the InO-Bot icon on the screen.
InO-Bot moves in increments of 1 cm so that FD 100 sends InO-Bot forward 100 cm. This corresponds to 100 pixels on the screen.
The following command moves InO-Bot forward 100 cm
FD 100
The following command turns InO-Bot right 90 degrees
RT 90
InO-Bot cannot turn more than 180 degrees with a single command. Use multiple commands to turn InO-Bot more than 180 degrees. For example, the following command turns InO-Bot right 360 degrees or a full circle.
REPEAT 2 [RT 180]
InO-Bot is a standalone robot and is unlikely to be as accurate as the screen turtle in its movements. You can adjust InO-Bot’s movement to make it more accurate using the CALIBRATION property.
The CALIBRATION property is a two-element list. The first element is a turn adjustment factor, and the second element is a movement adjustment factor. Initially, both values are set to 1.
Result: [1 1]
To reduce the physical amount that InO-Bot turns for any given angle, reduce the value of the first element in the list.
To increase the physical amount that InO-Bot turns for any given angle, increase the value of the first element in the list.
To reduce the distance that InO-Bot travels for any given input to a movement command, reduce the value of the second element in the list.
To increase the distance that InO-Bot travels for any given input to a movement command, increase the value of the second element in the list.
By adjusting the CALIBRATION factor, you can set InO-Bot to move and draw quite accurately.