Terrapin Resources

Learning with Tuff-Bot

What can exploring with Tuff-Bot teach learners?

Using Tuff-Bot, students are developing computational thinking skills by:

  • learning and exploring directional language
  • using appropriate tools strategically
  • defining engineering problems and developing solutions
  • modeling with mathematics
  • recognizing and using patterns
  • investigating angles
  • exploring, testing, designing, and writing programs
  • debugging programs and solving problems
  • writing and exploring algorithms
  • predicting the behavior of simple programs
  • using logical reasoning to explain how algorithms and programs are working

You can also use Tuff-Bot to develop skills across a wider curriculum

  • Speaking and listening
    Learning and programming with Tuff-Bot can be a paired or group activity to encourage verbal communication.

  • Developing independence through active learning
    The simple design and easy-to-use robot allow children to learn through independent exploration and trial and error. Teachers can also play and learn alongside the children.

  • Cross-curricular learning opportunities
    Use Tuff-Bot to incorporate computing across the curriculum. Use it to draw shapes in the sand or navigate through a story map.