Terrapin Resources

Blue-Bots are a Hit on STEAM It Up Night

Cambridge Public Schools hosted “STEAM It UP!” night, offering students and their parents an opportunity to participate in STEAM activities. One of the activity areas featured Blue-Bots.

Gina Roughton told us, “I wanted to share with you how wonderful ‘STEAM It Up!’ was last week, and what a hit the Blue Bots were with families. There was a turnout of over 500, and our area was definitely very popular. Families had so much fun playing and coding with them, and I’m excited by the interest it sparked in many of our Cambridge Public School students.”

Contact Information

Name Gina Roughton
Position Assistant Director Educational Technology
School Cambridge Public Schools
Location Cambridge, MA
Email groughton@cpsd.us
Tags Blue-Bot, STEM/STEAM, Massachusetts
Age children and adults