Terrapin Resources

St. George’s Independent School

The children are completely enjoying Pro-Bots. I have facilitated their use during a 12-session after-school coding class, as well as with three second grade classes and three third grade classes during their math time.

The second and third graders learned the basics of Pro-Bot in one 45-minute lesson, which included the basic functions of the robot as well as how to input simple commands. They were tasked with coding the robot to draw a square with six centimeter sides using a repeat command, and then drawing a rectangle with a repeat. Most found the rectangle a little more challenging.

I also gave them the program for a couple of shapes that I found in the user manual, and the students had to predict what shape they would make and then input those commands into the robot.

As an extension to this, the second and third graders who are ready for more enrichment are learning to do division in order to determine the angle at which the Pro-Bot should turn to make various polygons, determining the number of times the robot should repeat the command, and then testing their math by inputting their code and having the robot draw the shape.

Contact Information

Name Pam Lewis
Position Technology and Systems Specialist
School St. George's Independent School
Location Germantown, TN
Address 8250 Poplar Avenue, Germantown, TN 38138
Email plewis@sgis.org
Website https://www.sgis.org/
Tags Pro-Bot, Tennessee, After School
Age Grades 2-3