We often hear useful tips from teachers about caring for Terrapin products in the classroom. Here are some good ones for the new school year.
Tip #1 -- Binder clips are a great way to hang Card Mats and other Learning Mats vertically. Clamp at least two large binder clips over the Card Mat header and attached mat layers and hang the clip handles on hooks or pegs. Tight binder clips can work to hang other mats as well.
Tip #2 -- Maximize battery life by charging 'bots after use and then removing from the charger when fully charged. Eye signals indicate when the battery is charging and when it is fully charged. Unplug the the Docking Station when storing Bee-Bots or Blue-Bots after charging. Charging longer than overnight can degrade battery life.
Tip #3 -- Plastic sandwich bags or zip-lock bags can be a good way to organize and store Command Cards, CVC Words Cards, or Alphabet Cards between use and have them ready for the next lesson. Have students stack the cards and slip them into the bag until next time. |