Welcome to the
spring issue of
Turtle Talk, the quarterly Logo newsletter
from Terrapin Software.
Enter the Bee-Bot Worlds... |
Follow Bee-Bot into a wide variety of cross-curricular
worlds that are perfect for the classroom or
home. Focus on Bee-Bot
software and seven different mats expand the options
for using the engaging Bee-Bot
robot as a learning tool for young children both on and
off the computer.
Focus on Bee-Bot software puts Bee-Bot in
a three-dimensional on-screen world where it can
explore any of seven curriculum-related
environments. Children develop a route by clicking
the on-screen buttons. A press of the GO
command sends the virtual Bee-Bot on its way. Adjust
perspective as desired, watching Bee-Bot from above
or beside or even from the Bee-Bot's own eye view.
Students can save and print their experiences while
teachers can utilize the numerous activity suggestions
to engage their classes.
Colorful, pre-printed vinyl Bee-Bot mats provide
excellent surfaces for Bee-Bot to travel and create
Bee-Bot environments that can be used in many
different subject areas. The alphabet, CVC, and
number line mats suggest language and math
lessons while the race track, busy street, and treasure
island mats inspire students' imaginations and
creativity. Each durable mat is ideally sized for
Bee-Bot movements and will provide hours of learning
Try Bee-Bot and the Bee-Bot worlds to see how the
excitement and motivation created by this little robot
enhances learning.
Roamer Introduces Robotics at Woodland Elementary |
Roamer turtle is providing an exciting introduction
to a
new robotics program at Woodland Elementary
School in Southwick, Massachusetts. Designed by
Enrichment teacher Mary Fernandez-Sierra to
student interest in math, science, and technology, the
robotics program is underwritten
by the school Parent-Teacher Organization and
endorsed by the School
Students begin by using flash cards to list
commands and then take turns entering their
programs on Roamer. They quickly move to
more extended command sequences and
controlling a virtual Roamer on the computer screen
with Roamer World software. According to Ms.
Fernandez-Sierra, as students develop their skills they
will move into writing Logo programs and constructing
and controlling Lego robots.
Teacher Judy Stearns stated, "The great thing about
this is
the robot is tied in to all our lesson plans; it can be
applied across the curriculum."
Local press
noted that Roamer generated "squeals
of delight" among Woodland third-graders and let
Haley Parker, age 9 sum up their feelings: "This is
really cool!"
Example Procedures Expand Logo Experience |
Terrapin Logo includes example
programs that are automatically installed in the
Terrapin Logo folder. These both
illustrate Logo programming techniques
and are fun to use. Example
programs range from musical compositions to
interactive games and feature a collection of
images and sounds that can be incorporated into
Logo projects.
Load the example and utility files into
Terrapin Logo and see how they work.
Examine the procedures using
the Logo editor for tips to improve your own projects.
Play the
music and games to just have fun.
Visit the Logo Resources section of the
Terrapin web site and click
Example and Utility Procedures
for a complete
of these files which are included as a bonus on the
Terrapin Logo CD.