Terrapin Resources
Glossary of Terms
a quote mark is used before a set of letters to create a Logo word or when naming a new variable
: a colon is how you refer to a variable name that you have defined using MAKE
; a comment marker: the semi-colon, when placed before a line of code in the editor, prevents Logo from running those instructions (handy for debugging) ; FORWARD 50000 (this line of code won’t be run)
Canvas where the turtle draws, also known as the Graphics panel
Character a number, letter, punctuation mark, symbol—anything you can type on a keyboard
Command one or more instructions you give to Logo
Editor the panel where you enter new commands, called procedures; start with TO followed by the command’s name and finish with END
Input information (number, word or list) you give to a procedure or command to act on
Layout the way the panels are arranged on your computer screen; you can change the layout using your mouse or with Logo commands
List a set of Logo objects (numbers, letters, other lists, etc.), surrounded by brackets
Number an integer (1, 2, 3, -4), decimal (.25, .6667), or expression (22/7, 3/8) that can be used in a calculation
Output the result that a command or procedure gives you (the type of command would be a reporter); for example, 3=3 would report TRUE, but 3=4 would report FALSE
Panel the Graphics, Listener, or Editor area; we also refer to the Graphics panel as the canvas
Pixel tiny dot on the screen; it’s the smallest amount a turtle can move
Primitive a built-in Logo command; it is ready to use when you first start up Logo
Procedure a set of instructions you give a name to; when you create it in the editor, it becomes a new command
Reporter a type of command that returns a value (a number, word, list, TRUE/FALSE, etc.)
Variable a named “container” that can store a value (number, character, word, or list); create a variable using MAKE "SIZE 25, then refer to it using a colon (: or “dots”), as in PRINT :SIZE
Word a string of characters starting (but not ending) with a quotation mark “, as in "ABC123