Volume 18, Number 1 ------------------------------Back to School 2022
Welcome to the Back-to-School issue of Turtle Talk, Terrapin's email newsletter with the latest news, announcements, stories, tips, tools, and announcements!
Embark on a Programming Journey!
Terrapin's new Programming Journey Bundle lets you equip your classroom, STEM center, resource lab, technology cart, or library with each of Terrapin's programmable robots.
Bee-Bot - a screen-free robot for the youngest students
Blue-Bot- all the features of Bee-Bot with remote control
Tuff-Bot - an outdoor-friendly robot to expand exploration
Pro-Bot - use degrees to learn geometry and draw shapes
InO-Bot - code on-screen and off with lights, sounds, and sensors
Students of any age, experience, or ability can use one of the robots to learn, practice, and refine coding skills. The Programming Journey Bundle offers a progressive challenge as students develop their skills.
Take advantage of the built-in discount in the Programming Journey Bundle to get a full line of robots and a ready resource for students of all ages!
Bee-Bots are creating a lot of buzz! To keep everyone up to date, Terrapin is launching Bee-Bot Buzz, a new email newsletter published every other month. Bee-Bot Buzz covers the world of Bee-Bot (and Blue-Bot) with how-to tips, classroom suggestions, lesson examples, and more.
The inaugural issue of Bee-Bot Buzz coincides with the expansion of Bee-Bot Lessons and its integration with the Bee-Bot Emulator. The combination provides a valuable Bee-Bot resource center.
Bee-Bot Lessons has recently expanded to include over 150 lessons (50 new lessons, and growing!), 450+ online emulator activities, and 2,000+ images to print and use with the Card Mat.
Check out the Table of Contents to see the wide variety of activities for Kâ2 students. Do you want a sneak preview? Click to see sample lessons and access the accompanying online emulator activities.
If you receive Turtle Talk, you will get the first issue of Bee-Bot Buzz at the same email address. Stay tuned!