Terrapin Resources

the Terrapin newsletter

Volume 19, Number 4 --- -----------------------------------Winter 2024


Welcome to the winter issue of Turtle Talk, Terrapin's email newsletter with the latest news, announcements, stories, tips, and tools!

Customize the Logo Turtle!

Logo Shape Editor

When is a turtle not a turtle? When you turn it into something different!

Terrapin Logo's new shape editor lets you change the Logo turtle into the shape of your choice. Type EDSHAPE to open the shape editor and put your artistic skills to work.

Start from a blank canvas or load an image to modify. Choose from three resolutions and an infinite number of colors. Just click the mouse to fill in the pixels. Then click Set and Close to change the turtle into the image of your creation. Be sure to save your shape to retrieve it in the future.

Terrapin Logo updates automatically so the new shape editor is now available. Try it out the next time you login.

Learn more about the Terrapin Logo Shape Editor...

Drawing Robots Spark Creativity

A robot equipped with a marker motivates students to code and explore creative ideas through drawing. Several Programming Journey robots can carry markers and draw as they move.

Dress Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot in a Pen Holder Jacket and see students experiment with marks as they code.

Precise turns encourage students to program Pro-Bot to draw geometric shapes. Add REPEAT to create intricate patterns.

InO-Bot is the Logo turtle come to life. With a pen inserted, it draws as the turtle moves on the screen.

Terrapin's Dry Erase Mat is the perfect canvas for a drawing robot. Each mat comes with a pen set (sized for Pro-Bot and InO-Bot) and erase cloth to encourage easy experimentation. Schools may also purchase Pen Sets separately.

Pair a pen with your robot and explore a new coding dimension!

Try the Bee-Bot Drawing Emulator...

For a limited time, get a FREE camera with each Tuff-Bot and watch what the robot sees.

Explore math with Blue-Bot (and Bee-Bot too) with this new curriculum.

Lower Prices on Digital Microscopes

make it easier to

introduce students to unseen worlds!

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800-774-LOGO (5646) | +1-508-487-8181 (international) | Fax 617-302-9778
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