Pro-Bot is a stand-alone coding robot with everything required built in. There's no need to connect to another device or learn a programming language.
Move Pro-Bot with on-board arrow keys and turn precise angles using the numeric keypad. Press GO and watch Pro-Bot draw exciting geometric shapes. Repeat loops; light, sound, and touch sensors; and sub-programs offer infinite coding challenges without a computer.
Pro-Bot Lessons provides guided explorations for using Pro-Bot in the classroom. Forty new geometry lessons, based on Common Core Math Standards for Grades 3-8, make Pro-Bot an exciting and motivating way to learn to master angles, shapes, and coordinates. “I really love the new lessons. They are exactly what I was looking for,” said a teacher who reviewed the new geometry lessons.
The online Pro-Bot Emulator is integrated with all Pro-Bot Lessons. Try completing one of the lessons.
Through October 31, Terrapin is offering a discount on individual Pro-Bots and the Pro-Bot Six Pack (which includes Pro-Bot Lessons and a Robot Sports Camera). Take advantage of this offer to make geometry exciting for your students.
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