.TopStart |
.DEFMACRO | Defines a macro. |
.MACRO | Defines a macro. |
.WHO | Reports a list of objects listening to commands. |
ATopStart |
ABOUT | A user-defined procedure to display information about your program. |
ABS | Reports the absolute value of a number. |
AGET | Reports the value of an array element. |
ALERT | Displays an alert box. |
ALIAS | Defines alias names. |
ALLTURTLES | A list of all turtles. |
ALPHA | Reports the first active turtle's alpha value. |
APPENDMENU | Appends a new menu. |
APPENDMENUITEM | Appends a new menu item. |
APPLY | Applies a parameter list to a procedure. |
ARC | Draws an arc. |
ARCCOS (ACOS) | Reports the arccosine. |
ARCCOT (ACOT) | Reports the arccotangent. |
ARCCSC (ACSC) | Reports the arccosecant. |
ARCSEC (ASEC) | Reports the arcsecant. |
ARCSIN (ASIN) | Reports the arcsine. |
ARCTAN (ATAN) | Reports the arctangent. |
ARCTAN2 (ATAN2) | Reports the polar angle heading of the motion vector (position change) deltaX deltaY. |
ARRAY | Creates an array. |
ARRAY? (ARRAYP) | Reports TRUE if the object is an array. |
ARRAYDIMS | Reports the structure of an array. |
ASET | Sets the value of an array element. |
ASK | Makes objects execute a list of commands. |
BTopStart |
BACK (BK) | Moves a turtle backwards. |
BACKGROUND (BG) | Reports the background color. |
BACKTRACE (BT) | Prints the list of nested procedure calls. |
BGPATTERN | Reports the background pattern. |
BLUEBOT.BATTERY | Reports Blue-Bot's battery level. |
BLUEBOT.CLEAR | Clears all commands stored in Blue-Bot's memory. |
BLUEBOT.CLOSE | Disconnects the Blue-Bot from Logo. |
BLUEBOT.GO | Executes commands stored in Blue-Bot's memory. |
BLUEBOT.RUN | Executes Blue-Bot commands. |
BLUEBOT.WRITE | Downloads a procedure to Blue-Bot. |
BLUEBOT? (BLUEBOTP, BLUEBOT.OPEN) | Tests if the Blue-Bot is connected and ready to receive commands. |
BOUNCE | Lets the turtles bounce off the graphics bounds inside the Graphics canvas. |
BOUNDS | Reports the drawing bounds of the Graphics canvas. |
BPCLEAR | Deletes all breakpoints. |
BURIED | Outputs a structured contents list of all buried elements. |
BURIED? (BURIEDP) | Outputs TRUE if the element described by its input is buried. |
BURIEDNAMES | Outputs a list of all buried names. |
BURIEDPROCS | Outputs a list of all buried procedures. |
BURIEDPROPS | Outputs a list of all buried property lists. |
BURY | Makes names and procedures invisible. |
BURYALL | Makes all names and procedures invisible. |
BURYNAME | Makes one or more names invisible. |
BURYNAMES | Makes all names invisible. |
BURYPROC | Makes one or more procedures invisible. |
BURYPROCS | Makes all procedures invisible. |
BURYPROP | Makes one or more property lists invisible. |
BURYPROPS | Makes all property lists invisible. |
BUTFIRST (BF) | Reports all but the first element of its input. |
BUTLAST (BL) | Reports all but the last element of its input. |
BUTMEMBER (BM) | Removes elements from a word or a list. |
BUTTON? (BUTTONP) | Reports the state of the left mouse button. |
BYE (QUIT, EXIT) | Ends Logo. |
CTopStart |
CASE | Outputs a value based on an input value. |
CATCH | Catches runtime errors and THROWn data. |
CHAR | Converts a number into a Unicode character. |
CHECKTYPE | Checks an value for a type. |
CLEAN | Erases the graphics canvas. |
CLEARSCREEN (CS) | Erases the graphics panel and homes the turtle. |
CLEARTEXT (CT) | Clears the Listener panel. |
CLOSE | Closes a stream. |
COLOR | Reports the RGB color value for a color name or color index. |
COLOR | Reports the color for a name or value if possible. |
COLORINDEX (BASECOLOR) | Coerces a color value to a basic Logo color number. |
COLORNAME | Reports the name of a color if possible. |
COLORS | Reports a list of available color names. |
COMMAND | Invoke a menu command by its ID. |
CONTENTS (CO) | Outputs a complete structured contents list. |
CONTINUE (CO) | Ends a pause. |
COPYDEF | Copies a procedure definition. |
COS | Reports the cosine. |
COT | Reports the cotangent. |
COUNT | Counts the number of items in its input. |
CPROP | Calls a property as a procedure. |
CREATE | Creates a file. |
CREATE.DIR (MKDIR) | Creates a folder. |
CSC | Reports the cosecant. |
CTURTLES | Arranges turtles in a circle. |
CURDIR | Reports the current working directory. |
DTopStart |
DATE | Reports the date. |
DECLARE (DCL) | Creates an object. |
DEFINE | Defines a procedure. |
DEFINED? (DEFINEDP) | Checks whether a procedure is defined. |
DELETE | Deletes a file or a folder. |
DELETEMENU | Deletes a menu. |
DELETEMENUITEM | Deletes a menu item. |
DIRECTORY (DIR) | Lists the contents of current working directory. |
DISTANCE | Reports the distance between the turtle and a location. |
DO.UNTIL | Runs a list until a condition is true. |
DO.WHILE | Runs a list until a condition is false. |
DOT | Draws a dot. |
DOT? (DOTP) | Tests whether a pixel is present at the given location. |
DOTCOLOR | Reports the color of a pixel. |
DRAW | Clears the current graphics canvas and resets all attached turtles. |
ETopStart |
EACH | Applies a runlist to every object in the TELL list. |
EDALL | Edits the entire Logo workspace. |
EDIT | Edits parts or all of the Logo workspace. |
EDN | Edits one or more Logo names. |
EDNS | Edits all Logo names. |
EDPL | Edits one or more Logo property lists. |
EDPLIST | Edits the properties of a lrpoerty list, a widget, or a panel. |
EDPLS | Edits all Logo properties. |
EDPS | Edits all user-defined, unburied procedures. |
EDSHAPE | Launches the shape editor. |
ELSE | Starts the ELSE branch of an IF command. |
EMPTY? (EMPTYP) | Checks whether a name is empty. |
END | Ends a procedure definition. |
EOF? (EOFP) | Outputs TRUE if the current stream is at EOF. |
ERALL | Erases the entire Logo workspace. |
ERASE (ER) | Erases Logo elements. |
ERN | Erase one or more Logo names. |
ERNS | Erases all Logo names. |
ERPL | Erases one or more Logo property lists. |
ERPLS | Erases all Logo properties. |
ERPS | Erases all procedures. |
ERROR | Outputs the last runtime error. |
EVAL | Runs a list and collects all outputs. |
EVERY | Outputs a list of objects. |
EXPN (EXP) | Calculates the natural base e raised to a power. |
FTopStart |
FENCE | Fences all turtles inside the drawing bounds. |
FILE? (FILEP) | Reports TRUE if a file or directory exists. |
FILL | Fills an area. |
FILLARRAY | Sets the values of an array. |
FILLGRID | Sets the text values of a grid. |
FINDMENUID | Finds the ID of a menu item. |
FIRST | Reports the first element of its input. |
FLATTEN | Reports a flat version of its list input. |
FONT | Reports the current font of the first active turtle. |
FONTS | Reports a list of all loaded and available fonts. |
FOR | Runs a list for a defined number of times. |
FOREACH | Runs a list for each element of its first input. |
FOREVER | Runs a list forever. |
FORM | Formats a number. |
FORWARD (FD) | Moves a turtle forward. |
FPUT | Prepends an element to its input. |
FREEZEPIC | Freezes the current graphics display. |
FROMMEMBER (FM) | Removes the first part of its input until a pattern is found. |
FULLSCREEN (FS) | Switches to the Full Screen perspective |
GTopStart |
GETX (XCOR) | Reports the X coordinate of a turtle. |
GETXY (POS) | Reports the coordinates of a turtle. |
GETY (YCOR) | Reports the Y coordinate of a turtle. |
GGET | Outputs the name of a widget stored in a grid cell. |
GGETTEXT | Outputs the text of a grid cell. |
GLIST | Reports the property lists that contain a property with a given name. |
GO | Jumps to a label inside a procedure. |
GPPROP | Alters a property of a grid, a row, a column, or a cell. |
GPROP | Retrieves a property. |
GRID | Sets the characteristics of the graphics grid. |
GRIDDIMS | Reports the size of a grid. |
GRIDOFF | Hides the grid of the Graphics panel. |
GRIDON | Displays the grid of the Graphics panel. |
GSET | Stores a widget into a grid cell. |
GSETTEXT | Stores a text into a grid cell. |
HTopStart |
HALT | Stops one or all background programs. |
HEADING | Reports the heading of a turtle. |
HELP | Displays help for a command. |
HIDETURTLE (HT) | Hides a turtle. |
HIT? | Tests the first active widget against widgets listed on the hit list. |
HITTABLE | Reports the contents of the hit list. |
HOME | Moves the turtle back to [0 0]. |
HTML | Creates and outputs a HTML sequence. |
ITopStart |
IF | Runs instructions based on a condition. |
IFFALSE (IFF) | Runs a list if TEST was false. |
IFTRUE (IFT) | Runs a list if TEST was true. |
IGNORE | Ignores the output of a procedure. |
INT | Reports the integer part of a number. |
IS.A | Checks an object for being of a specific type. |
ISEQ | Outputs a list of sequential integers. |
ITEM | Returns a specific element of its input. |
JTopStart |
JOIN | Converts a list to a word. |
KTopStart |
KEY | Reports the code of the last key that the user typed. |
LTopStart |
LABEL | Marks a target for the GO command. |
LAST | Reports the last element of its input. |
LAUNCH | Launches a runlist or procedure for execution in the background. |
LAUNCHED | Outputs a list of all active background engines. |
LED | Controls a robot's LEDs. |
LEFT (LT) | Turns a turtle left. |
LIST | Concatenates its inputs to a list. |
LIST? (LISTP) | Checks for its input being a list. |
LISTARRAY | Reports the values of an array as a list. |
LISTGRID | Reports the values of a grid as a list. |
LMAKE (LOCALMAKE) | Create and set a local name. |
LOAD | Loads a file into Logo. |
LOADPIC | Loads a picture. |
LOADSHAPE | Loads a turtle shape from a data space and sets the shape of all active turtles. |
LOADSNAP | Loads a bitmap. |
LOCAL | Declares local variables inside a procedure. |
LOCKSHAPE | Prevents a bitmap from turning. |
LOG (LN) | Outputs the natural logarithm of its input. |
LOG10 | Outputs the logarithm of its input. |
LOGAND | Combines its inputs with a boolean AND operation. |
LOGNOT | Reports the bitwise logical complement of its input. |
LOGOR | Combines its inputs with a boolean OR operation. |
LOGXOR | Combines its inputs with a boolean XOR operation. |
LOWERCASE | Converts its argument to lower case. |
LPUT | Appends an element to its input. |
LSH (ASHIFT) | Shifts its input with sign extension. |
LSHIFT | Shifts its input without sign extension. |
LTURTLES | Arranges turtles in a row. |
MTopStart |
MACRO? (MACROP) | Checks its input for being a macro. |
MACROEXPAND | Outputs the expansion of a macro. |
MAKE | Assigns a value to a name. |
MEMBER? (MEMBERP) | Checks if an object is part of another object. |
MIDI.RECORD | Records and saves music commands that PLAY plays. |
MILLISECONDS | Outputs the number of milliseconds spent. |
MINUS | Outputs the negative value of its input. |
MIXEDCASE | Converts its argument to mixed case. |
MODULO | Outputs the remainder of two numbers. |
MOTORS | Controls a robot's motors. |
MOUSE | Reports the position of the mouse cursor. |
MOUSESHAPE | Reports the shape of the mouse cursor. |
NTopStart |
NAME | Assigns a value to a name. |
NAME? (NAMEP) | Checks whether its input is assigned a value. |
NAMELIST | Outputs a structured contents list with names. |
NAMES | Outputs a structured contents list with all names. |
NEW | Creates a new Logo object. |
NOT | Negates its input. |
NUMBER? (NUMBERP) | Checks its input for being a number. |
OTopStart |
OPACITY | Reports the opacity of the first active turtle. |
OPEN | Opens a file and returns the channel number. |
ORIGIN | Reports the origin of a turtle's coordinate system. |
OUTPUT (OP) | Exits a procedure and outputs a value. |
PTopStart |
PANGLE | Reports the turtle's angle as a polar angle. |
PARSE | Parses a string and outputs a list. |
PATHNAME | Reports the full path name for a file name. |
PATTERN | Reports the turtle's pattern. |
PAUSE | Pauses a procedure. |
PDIST | Reports the distance from the turtle to its home. |
PEN | Reports the pen mode. |
PENCOLOR (PC) | Reports the pen color. |
PENDOWN (PD) | Puts the pen down. |
PENDOWN? (PENDOWNP) | Checks whether the pen is down. |
PENERASE (PE) | The pen draws with the background color. |
PENREVERSE (PX) | The pen inverts all colors. |
PENUP (PU) | The pen moves up. |
PHEADING | Reports the turtle's polar heading. |
PHELP | Displays help for a property. |
PI | Reports the number Pi. |
PICK | Randomly picks an element. |
PLACE | Attempts to place the active widgets at the suggested location. |
PLAY | Plays sound files or notes. |
PLAY.NOTES | Plays simple songs on a robot's speaker. |
PLAY.SOUND | Play a predefined sound on a robot's speaker. |
PLIST | Reports the property list of a name. |
PLIST? (PLISTP) | Checks its input for containing a property list. |
PLISTS (PROPERTIES) | Outputs a structured contents list with all properties. |
PLLIST | Outputs a structured contents list with properties. |
POALL | Prints the entire Logo workspace. |
PON | Prints a Logo name. |
PONS | Prints all Logo names. |
POPL | Prints one or more Logo property lists. |
POPLS | Prints all Logo properties. |
POPS | Prints all Logo procedures. |
POT | Prints the title line of one or more user-defined procedures. |
POTS | Prints the title line of all user-defined procedures. |
PPOS | Reports the turtle's polar position. |
PPROP | Stores a property. |
PPROPS | Stores a list of properties. |
PRIMITIVE? (PRIMITIVEP) | Checks its input for being a built-in procedure or macro. |
PRIMITIVES | Outputs a structured contents list with all primitives. |
PRINT (PR) | Prints text with a line feed. |
PRINTLINE | Prints a list of numbers as Unicode characters. |
PRINTOUT (PO) | Prints procedures, names, or properties. |
PRINTQUOTE (PQ) | Prints its input and a newline. |
PROCEDURE? (PROCEDUREP) | Checks its input for being a user-defined procedure. |
PROCEDURES | Outputs a list with all user procedures. |
PROCLIST | Outputs a structured contents list with procedures. |
PROGRESSBAR | Displays a progress bar. |
PSETHEADING (PSETH) | Sets the polar heading of a turtle. |
QTopStart |
QUOTE | Quotes its input. |
RTopStart |
RADARCTAN (RADATAN) | Reports the arc tangent of an angle expressed in radians. |
RADCOS | Reports the cosine of an angle expressed in radians. |
RADSIN | Reports the sine of an angle expressed in radians. |
RANDOM | Outputs a random number. |
READ | Reads one Logo word. |
READCHAR (RC) | Read a character from the standard input stream. |
READFILE | Reads and parses the contents of a file. |
READLINE | Reads a line and outputs it as a list of numbers. |
READLIST (RL) | Reads a line and outputs it as a list. |
READPROMPT (RP) | Opens a dialog box and reads a line. |
READQUOTE (RQ) | Reads a line. |
READWORD (RW) | Reads the next word of a line. |
REDO | Redoes the last drawing command after an UNDO command. |
REMPROP | Removes a property. |
RENAME | Renames a disk file. |
REPCOUNT | Reports the value of the REPEAT counter. |
REPEAT | Runs a runlist repeatedly. |
REPTOTAL | Reports the total number of REPEATs. |
RERANDOM | Seed the random number generator. |
RESTART | Erases everything and restarts Logo. |
RIGHT (RT) | Turns a turtle right. |
ROUND | Rounds a number. |
RSEQ | Outputs a list of equally spaced rational numbers. |
RUN | Runs a word or list. |
STopStart |
SAVE | Saves the workspace to disk. |
SAVEPIC | Saves the contents of the Graphics panel. |
SAVESHAPE | Saves the shape of the first active turtle. |
SAVESNAP | Saves a turtle shape. |
SAY | Makes Logo speak its input. |
SEC | Reports the secant. |
SELECT.BLUETOOTH | Selects a Bluetooth device. |
SELECT.FILE | Displays a dialog to select a file. |
SELECT.FOLDER | Displays a dialog to select a folder. |
SELECT.VOICE | Opens a dialog where you can select a voice for the SAY command. |
SENTENCE (SE) | Concatenates its inputs to a list, flattening lists. |
SETALPHA | Sets the default alpha value for colors. |
SETARRAYDIMS | Sets the structure of an array. |
SETBG | Sets the background color. |
SETBGPATTERN | Sets the background pattern. |
SETBOUNDS | Set the drawing bounds of the current Graphics canvas. |
SETCURDIR | Changes the current working directory. |
SETFONT | Sets the turtle drawing font. |
SETGRIDDIMS | Sets the size of a grid. |
SETHEADING (SETH) | Sets the heading of a turtle. |
SETHITTABLE | Sets the contents of the hit list. |
SETMOUSESHAPE | Sets the shape of the mouse cursor. |
SETOPACITY | Sets the opacity of all active turtles. |
SETORIGIN | Sets the coordinate system origin of the active turtles. |
SETP | Sets the turtle's polar position. |
SETPATTERN | Sets the turtle pattern. |
SETPC | Sets the pen color. |
SETPEN | Sets the pen characteristics. |
SETSHADOW | Sets the drop shadow for all active turtles. |
SETSHAPE | Sets the shape of all active turtles. |
SETSPEED | Sets the speed at which turtle commands are executed. |
SETSTEPSIZE | Sets the step size of all active turtles and bitmaps. |
SETTEXTCOLOR | Sets the text color in the Listener panel. |
SETTEXTFONT | Sets the font for PRINT, TYPE and other output commands. |
SETTURTLENAME (SETTNAME) | Sets the name of a turtle. |
SETTURTLES (SETT) | Creates a range of turtles. |
SETTURTLESIZE (SETTSIZE, SETTS) | Sets the scaling factor of a widget. |
SETVELOCITY | Controls the speed of an independently moving widget. |
SETWIDTH (SETW) | Sets the pen width. |
SETX | Sets the X coordinate of a turtle. |
SETXY (SETPOS) | Sets the coordinates of a turtle. |
SETY | Sets the Y coordinate of a turtle. |
SHADOW | Reports the drop shadow for the first active turtle. |
SHAPE | Outputs the name of the first active turtle's shape. |
SHOW | Prints text with a line feed. |
SHOWN? (SHOWNP) | Reports whether a turtle is visible. |
SHOWTURTLE (ST) | Makes a turtle visible. |
SIN | Reports the sine. |
SLOWTURTLE | Slows down the turtle to half speed. |
SNAP | Moves parts of the Graphics panel into a bitmap. |
SNAPSIZE | Outputs the size of a bitmap. |
SPEED | Reports the speed in which turtle commands are executed. |
SPLIT | Splits a word into a list using a separator. |
SPLITSCREEN (SS) | Makes both the Listener panel and the Graphics canvas visible. |
SQRT | Reports the square root. |
STAMP | Draws a bitmap or turtle. |
STAMPOVAL | Draws an oval. |
STAMPRECT | Draws a rectangle. |
STEP | Turns on stepping for the given elements. |
STEPPED | Outputs a structured contents list of all stepped elements. |
STEPSIZE | Outputs the step size of the first active turtle or bitmap. |
STOP | Exits a procedure, or stops a program. |
SUBDIR | Lists the contents of current working directory. |
SUBST | Substitutes text in a word or a list. |
TTopStart |
TAN | Reports the tangent. |
TELL | Defines a list of objects listening to commands. |
TELLALL | Tells a range of turtle numbers. |
TELLEVEN | Tells all turtles with even numbers. |
TELLODD | Tells all turtles with odd numbers. |
TEST | Test a condition; used with IFTRUE and IFFALSE. |
TEXT | Outputs a procedure definition. |
TEXTARRAY | Sets the structure of an array. |
TEXTFONT | Reports the font used for output. |
TEXTSCREEN (TS) | Minimizes the Graphics canvas and maximizes the Listener panel. |
THEN | Starts the THEN branch of an IF command. |
THING | Reports the value of a name. |
THROW | Throws a Logo word or a runtime error. |
TIME | Outputs the time. |
TO | Defines a procedure. |
TOPLEVEL | Returns to toplevel. |
TOWARDS | Reports the angle of a position compared to the turtle position. |
TRACE | Turns on tracing of the given elements. |
TRACED | Outputs a structured contents list of all traced elements. |
TUFFBOT.BATTERY | Reports Tuff-Bot's battery level. |
TUFFBOT.BUTTONS | Programs Tuff-Bot's buttons. |
TUFFBOT.CLEAR | Clears all commands stored in Tuff-Bot's memory. |
TUFFBOT.CLOSE | Disconnects the Tuff-Bot from Logo. |
TUFFBOT.GO | Executes commands stored in Tuff-Bot's memory. |
TUFFBOT.OBSTACLE | Defines Tuff-Bot's obstacle-avoidance subroutine. |
TUFFBOT.RUN | Executes Tuff-Bot commands. |
TUFFBOT.WRITE | Downloads a procedure to Tuff-Bot. |
TUFFBOT? (TUFFBOTP, TUFFBOT.OPEN) | Tests if the Tuff-Bot is connected and ready to receive commands. |
TURTLENAME (TNAME) | Gets the name of the first active turtle. |
TURTLENAMES (TNAMES) | Outputs a list of all turtle names. |
TURTLES | Reports the number of turtles. |
TURTLESIZE (TSIZE) | Reports the scaling factor of a turtle. |
TURTLETEXT (TT) | Prints its input on the Graphics canvas. |
TURTLETEXTSIZE (TTSIZE) | Outputs the dimensions of a text drawn with the first listening turtle. |
TYPE | Prints text. |
TYPEOF | Reports the type of a name. |
UTopStart |
UNBURY | Makes names and procedures visible. |
UNBURYALL | Makes all names and procedures visible. |
UNBURYNAME | Makes one or more names visible. |
UNBURYNAMES | Makes all names visible. |
UNBURYPROC | Makes one or more procedures visible. |
UNBURYPROCS | Makes all procedures visible. |
UNBURYPROP | Makes one or more property lists visible. |
UNBURYPROPS | Makes all property lists visible. |
UNDO | Undoes the last drawing command. |
UNFREEZEPIC | Unfreezes the current graphics display. |
UNICODE | Converts a character into its Unicode value. |
UNLOCKSHAPE | Lets a bitmap rotate according to the turtle's heading. |
UNSTEP | Turns off stepping of the given elements. |
UNTIL | Runs a list until a condition is true. |
UNTRACE | Turns off tracing of the given elements. |
UPPERCASE | Converts its argument to upper case. |
VTopStart |
VELOCITY | Reports the speed of an independently moving widget. |
VERINFO | Outputs Logo version information as a list. |
VERSION (VER) | Outputs the Logo version. |
WTopStart |
WAIT | Waits for a number of milliseconds. |
WEBLINK | Creates and outputs a HTML web link. |
WHEN | Monitors a change to a Logo property or to a Logo event. |
WHENEVER | Monitors changes to a Logo property or to a Logo event. |
WHILE | Runs a list until a condition is false. |
WHO | Reports a list of objects listening to commands. |
WIDTH | Reports the pen width. |
WINDOW | Removes the boundary for turtle movements. |
WORD | Concatenates its inputs to a word. |
WORD? (WORDP) | Checks its input for being a word. |
WRAP | Lets the turtles wrap inside the canvas. |
WRITEFILE | Stores a Logo word or list into a file. |
XTopStart |
XLIST | Concatenates its inputs to a parenthesized list. |
ATopStart |
ALIGN | Controls the alignment of a widget in a grid cell. |
ALPHA | Controls the transparency of the colors the turtle uses to draw. |
ANCHOR | Controls the anchoring of a widget. |
APPEND | Appends one or more items to the list box. |
APPNAME | Contains the name of your Logo app. |
ARRAYBASE | Controls the lowest array or grid index. |
AUTOSAVE | Controls the amount of data that Logo saves and restores automatically. |
AUTOSCROLL | Gets or sets a vertical scroll bar. |
AUTOWIDTH | Controls the auto-resizing of a widget in a grid cell. |
BTopStart |
BACKGROUND | Controls the background color of a control. |
BATTERY | Reports the battery level of InO-Bot. |
BATTERY | Reports the battery level of InO-Bot. |
BGCOLOR | Controls the background color of the Graphics panel. |
BGPATTERN | Sets the background pattern. |
BORDER | Sets or reports the widget's border color. |
BOUNDS | Reports the widget's size, depending on the scale and rotation. |
BROWSER | Reports the browser name. |
BUTTON | Reports the state of the mouse's buttons. |
CTopStart |
CALIBRATION | Controls InO-Bot's calibration factors for turns and movements. |
CALIBRATION | Controls InO-Bot's calibration factors for turns and movements. |
CAMERA | Controls which camera is active. |
CAMERAS | Outputs a list of camera names. |
CASE | Controls the conversion of input to upper case. |
CELLSIZE | Controls the size of all table cells. |
CLEAR | Erases the contents of the list box. |
COLOR | Controls the text color of a control. |
COLOR | Controls the grid's cell border color. |
COLORED.TURTLES | Displays turtles with their pen color. |
COLUMN | Sets or reports the widget's column number if in a grid cell. |
COLUMNS | Controls the number of columns of a grid. |
CONNECTOR | Controls InO-Bot's external connector. |
CONNECTOR | Controls InO-Bot's external connector. |
CONTROLS.FONT | Controls the font used when creating a control. |
CRAWL | Sets or reports the widget's crawl speed. |
DTopStart |
DEBUGGER | Controls the use of the Logo debugger. |
DISTANCE | Reports InO-Bot's distance to an obstacle. |
DISTANCE | Reports InO-Bot's distance to an obstacle. |
ETopStart |
ENABLED | Enables or disables a widget. |
ENVIRONMENT | Reports the device that Logo is executing upon. |
FTopStart |
FILE | Returns the selected file of a FILECHOOSER control. |
FILTER | Gets or sets the edit field's input filter. |
FIND | Finds a list box item. |
FONT | Controls the Listener font. |
FONT | Sets or reports the widget's font. |
FRONTLEFT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's front left obstacle sensor. |
FRONTLEFT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's front left obstacle sensor. |
FRONTRIGHT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's front right obstacle sensor. |
FRONTRIGHT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's front right obstacle sensor. |
FULLSCREEN | Controls whether to have Terrapin Logo occupy the entire screen or display in normal size. |
GTopStart |
GLOW | Determines whether the widget's drop shadow appears as a glow effect. |
HTopStart |
HEADING | Controls the widget's heading. |
ITopStart |
INCREMENT | Controls the increment value when the slider is dragged. |
INDEX | Controls the index of a selected list box item. |
INFRARED | Controls InO-Bot's infrared sensor. |
INFRARED | Controls InO-Bot's infrared sensor. |
INSERT | Inserts one or more items into a list box. |
ITEM | Outputs a list box item by index. |
ITEMCOUNT | Reports the number of list box items. |
ITEMS | Controls the contents of the listbox. |
KTopStart |
KEY | Reports the last key that the user has typed. |
LTopStart |
LAYOUT | Controls the position and size of a panel. |
LIGHT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's light sensor. |
LIGHT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's light sensor. |
LIGHTS | Controls InO-Bot's headlights. |
LIGHTS | Controls InO-Bot's headlights. |
LIMIT | Limits the number of character that a user can enter into an edit box. |
LINELEFT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's left line sensor. |
LINELEFT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's left line sensor. |
LINERIGHT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's right line sensor. |
LINERIGHT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's right line sensor. |
LINK | Gets or sets the video link of the video to display. |
LISTENER.LINES | Controls the maximum number of lines in the Listener panel. |
LISTENER.READONLY | Controls whether all output in the Listener panel is readonly. |
LOAD | Loads an image file into the bitmap. |
LOCALE | Alters Logo's language. |
MTopStart |
MAXIMUM | Controls the maximum value of the slider. |
MINIMUM | Controls the minimum value of the slider. |
MODIFIED | Reports whether the contents of an edit box have been modified. |
MOUSE | Reports the position of the mouse. |
NTopStart |
NAME | Sets or reports the object's alias name. |
NOISELEVEL | Reports InO-Bot's microphone noise level. |
NOISELEVEL | Reports InO-Bot's microphone noise level. |
OTopStart |
OFFSET | Controls the location of the Graphic Panel's center point. |
OPACITY | Controls the opacity value used for colors. |
ORIGIN | Controls the origin of the widget's coordinate system. |
ORIGINALNAME | Reports the widget's original name. |
PTopStart |
PATTERN | Reports or sets the current fill pattern. |
PENCOLOR | Contains the current pen color. |
PENSTATE | Controls the turtle's pen state. |
PENWIDTH | Gets or sets the turtle's pen width. |
PICTURE.FORMAT | Controls the file extension used for images if none was supplied. |
PLACEHOLDER | Gets or sets the edit field's placeholder text. |
POSITION | Sets or reports the widget's position. |
PRECISION | Controls the number of decimals that Logo prints. |
PRINT.BITMAPS | Controls the printing of bitmaps and turtles. |
RTopStart |
REARLEFT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's rear left obstacle sensor. |
REARLEFT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's rear left obstacle sensor. |
REARRIGHT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's rear right obstacle sensor. |
REARRIGHT | Reports the status of InO-Bot's rear right obstacle sensor. |
RELAXED.SYNTAX | Relaxes the syntax requirements of Logo. |
REMOVE | Removes a list box item. |
REPLACE | Replace a listbox item text. |
RESOLUTION | Outputs a two-element list of the current camera resolution. |
ROW | Sets or reports the widget's row number in a grid. |
ROWS | Gets or sets the number of rows in a grid. |
RUN | Contains a runlist to be executed when a control has been clicked or changed. |
RUN | Stores a runlist that Logo executes when the widget is clicked. |
STopStart |
SAVE | Saves the bitmap into an image file. |
SCALE | Controls the widget's scaling. |
SCREENSIZE | Reports the size of the browser window (Web) or the desktop (Desktop version). |
SELECTED | Changes the input focus to the control. |
SHADOW | Controls the widget's drop shadow. |
SHAPE | Gets or sets the turtle's shape. |
SHAPELOCK | Locks or unlocks a widget's rotation. |
SIZE | Reports or sets the size of the widget's image size. |
SIZE (DRAWSIZE) | Reports the size of the Graphics panel. |
STACKSIZE | Controls the maximum number of nested procedure calls. |
STAMP | Draws the bitmap. |
STARTANGLE | Contains the starting angle of a widget if dropped. |
STATE | Gets or sets the Selected state of a check box or radio button. |
STATE | Controls the display mode of a panel. |
STEPSIZE | Controls the number of pixels per step that the widget moves forward or backwards. |
TTopStart |
TAB | Controls the tab stop size used in the Listener's output field. |
TEXT | Gets or sets the text of the control. |
TEXTALIGN | Controls the alignment of the text within the control. |
TITLE | Outputs the name of the currently attached camera. |
TOOLTIP | Controls the contents of the widget's tool tip. |
TOUCH | Reports touch data on touch screen equipped devices. |
TURTLE.FONT | Controls the font used when creating a control. |
TYPES | Gets or sets the allowed file types of a FILECHOOSER control. |
UTopStart |
USERNAME | Reports the user's name. |
VTopStart |
VALUE | Sets or gets the current value of a slider. |
VELOCITY | Controls the speed at which a widget moves independently. |
VERSION | Reports the Logo version number. |
VISIBLE | Hides or shows the widget. |
WTopStart |
WINDOW | Reports the name of the Graphics panel that this widget is attached to. |
WRAPMODE | Controls how the turtle reacts when it hits the edge of the Graphics panel. |
WRAPMODE | Sets a widgets's individual wrap mode. |
ZTopStart |
Z.ORDER | Controls the sequence of widgets when displayed. |