Volume 17, Number 4 ---------------------------------Spring 2022
Welcome to the Spring issue of Turtle Talk, Terrapin's newsletter with announcements, stories, tips and tools!
Easi-Detectors enhance exploration and discovery
Easi-Detectors, Terrapin's newest tool for exploration, are metal detectors designed for young learners. Sized for short arms and easy to grasp with small hands, Easi-Detectors give students an exciting tool with which to explore material properties and search for hidden "treasures." Durable and simple to operate, Easi-Detectors may be used indoors or out.
Easi-Detectors are available in sets of four, with an included recharging cradle. Activated with a single switch, an Easi-Detector beeps brightly when within proximity of a metal object, even those hidden in sand, shredding, or under cloth or paper. Students from pre-K up are excited to explore, dig and discover to see what they can find. The built-in battery offers up to 8 hours of use between charges.
Terrapin is offering an introductory special on Easi-Detectors through April 30. Try them out and see what your students can find!
Pre-school students in Finland use Easi-Scope to learn about insects at Tampere University's Juniversity for children. Developed by Rich Raja-aho, the three-part workshop showcases bugs and their environments, an ever interesting topic.
Each student uses Easi-Scopeto examine items such as moss, pine cones, flowers, butterfly wings, and more up close. “Through this exploration Easi-Scope gives students an idea of the way bugs look and experience the world” he reports.
Information about insect vision help students understand the biological differences between their eyes and those of bugs. Once they have an appreciation of a bug's point of view, students use recycled and natural materials to make insect hotels to put in their gardens.
Terrapin was founded to publish Logo, the original coding app for kids. Terrapin Logo is still going strong and is better than ever.
Logo is a great tool to begin coding but continues to challenge as skills develop. Terrapin supports Logo with full documentation, program examples, coding resources, and more. Check out some of Logo's surprising capabilities.
Try it - you'll like it!Terrapin offers a 14-day free trial of Terrapin Logo so it is easy to try out.
Code from anywhereTerrapin Logo may be accessed online from a browser on any device or installed and used locally on a computer.
Get a move on Logo offers easy animation to create programs with movement as in the illustration above.