Logo Resources
These resources will help you learn more about Logo and expand your programming skills.
Logo Learning Center
This is where you are now! Each section provides an explanation of the most commonly used Logo commands with examples of how to use each one.
Logo Manual
This is the manual for the complete Logo language, with over 600 commands. It helps you get started, and provides detailed information about all the commands, many written for advanced programmers.
Read the Logo manual.
Logo Commands
This list of all the Logo commands, both alphabetically and grouped into categories.
Refer to Logo commands.
Logo Works: Lessons in Logo
This guide with learning activities is a step-by-step tutorial to help you learn to code in Logo. It comes for free with a Terrapin Logo license. It teaches you the most common graphics commands so you can draw with the Logo turtle. You also learn to create new commands and use variables.
View the Logo Works: Lessons in Logo Table of Contents
101+ Ideas for Logo
This book doesn’t teach you how to program in Logo. Instead, it gives you ideas for projects to try using Logo. There are five levels of difficulty, so starting at Level 1 is a good idea. The ideas cover projects that use the turtle, numbers, words and lists, multiple turtles and shapes, and music. It comes for free with a Terrapin Logo license.
View the 101+ Ideas for Logo Table of Contents
Turtle Tuesdays
Another way to practice your Logo skills is to try our weekly Logo challenge. Every Tuesday, Terrapin presents you with a coding challenge to solve. Some are designed for beginners and others are more difficult. You can find the current Turtle Tuesday challenges as well as all previous ones on our website (link below). Solutions to each challenge are available the following week. If you weren’t able to figure out the challenge during the week, take a look at the solution and see if you can see how it works. Some challenges can also be done using Kinderlogo as well as Pro-Bot, and InO-Bot robots.
Check out the Turtle Tuesday challenges.
Logo Program Library
These are programs written by people just like you! You can download the programs and try them out. Take a close look at them and see how they work.
Check out the Logo Program Library.
Learn how to publish your Logo program!
Logo Bibliography
This list of books about Logo represents its history, research, implementation, and sample programs.
View the Logo Bibliography
Logo Exchange Journals
Housed at the MIT Media Lab are 18 Volumes of Logo Exchange with articles and Logo programs by leaders in the development and teaching of Logo. Read issues of Logo Exchange. (PDFs)
Logo Release Notes
This page shows you that Logo is continually updated. Everytime a change is made to the language, it is documented here. Logo Release Notes
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