Are your students confused by Bee-Bot's moves and turns, especially in the Bee-Bot Online Emulator? They may expect Bee-Bot to move straight ahead when they press a turn button. They might press the Back arrow thinking Bee-Bot will move in the direction the arrow is pointing and be surprised when Bee-Bot backs up!
Here are some tips to help clear things up for your students. They are different ways of achieving the same result: to help students understand that forward means to go the way Bee-Bot is facing. Different strategies may work for different children.
1. Ask your students to look at Bee-Bot's buttons. “Which buttons move Bee-Bot forward and back? Which buttons turn it? Which button makes Bee-Bot go straight ahead?”
2. Play a Bee-Bot game away from the computer. One student is a human “Bee-Bot”. Other students give “Bee-Bot” commands to move and turn.
3. Click the check box to turn on the "Talk to me!" feature in the Bee-Bot emulator. Each command will now be spoken before Bee-Bot runs it. The audio feedback slows down the process, helping students follow Bee-Bot's actions.
4. Have your students put themselves in Bee-Bot’s position. If they get out of their seats, they can point themselves in the same direction as Bee-Bot. They need to become the Bee-Bot!
5. Students can raise an arm in front of them with their fingers pointing the way Bee-Bot faces. Pressing the Forward button means to send Bee-Bot in the direction their fingers are pointing.
6. Students can use a paper Bee-Bot to experiment with turning and moving it before entering commands.
7. Lay out cards with a sequence of Bee-Bot commands to help students plan ahead and press the right buttons.