Terrapin Resources

Welcome to our Program Library!

These pages contain an ever-growing list of Logo source code files. Many of these files demonstrate programming techniques, or Terrapin Logo features. You can download the source code to all programs and modify them to your liking.

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Please click one of the tag words below to filter the table for items that include the clicked tag word. Click here to show all entries.

    24-Hour ClockSTART Displays a 24-hour clock TIME, Clock, Lists
    3-Card MonteMAIN A game of chance to locate the Queen of Hearts. Game
    A Single LineSINGLE_LINE Each a single line with musical accompaniment: simple, yet complex Math, Drawing, Complex Images, Music
    About this Program...ABOUT Document your project with Help/About this Program... Help, Documentation
    Animation DemoMAIN Demo of different types of animation Animation, Demo
    ArnoldARNOLD Logo Art Art
    Beethovens "Für Elise"ELISE Plays Beethoven's Für Elise Music, Instruments, Play
    Biosphere and BiosquareBIOSPHERE, BIOSQUARE Logo Art Art, Graphics
    Black and WhiteB&W 1 Black and White Art Art
    Card TrickMAIN Logo never fails to find your card. Game, Animation
    ChopsticksMAIN Play "Chopsticks" on the computer Music, Lists, Voices
    Coin FlipsMAIN, COINFLIPS Flip a coin to see how often heads or tails will fall. Math, Random
    ColorHelperCOLORSN, COLORSG, SHADES, GREENS A set of procedures to help you play around with the Extended Colors. Colors, Utility
    ConcertCONCERT Plays each available instrument Music, Instruments, Play
    CrabCRAB Create geometric shapes Formulae, Shapes, Complex images
    Dice SimulationMAIN An analysis of rolls of pairs of dice. Math, Random
    Draw Color NamesSHOW.COLOR.NAMES Draw the names and the color values of the 16 colors available as color indexes Drawing, Colors, Turtle
    Draw a Wheel of ColorsCOLOR.SPRAY Draws a color wheel Drawing, Colors, Turtle
    Easy ArtEASYART Graphics Art Art, Graphics
    FactorialsFACTORING, FACTORIAL.FOR, FACTORIAL.WHILE, FACTORIAL.GO, FACTORIAL.RECUR Various ways to calculate the factorial of a number Math, Factorial
    FractalsCOLLEEN, DANA, DAPHNE, DONNA, ELISA, JENNIFER, JESSICA, KEEGAN, MELISSA Draws various fractal images Fractals, Formulae
    GemGEM Logo Art Art, Graphics
    Go Get GeorgeGO.GET.GEORGE A hidden picture puzzle game. Game
    Golden SpiralMAIN Creating a golden spiral Math
    HelloMAIN A hello demo with a simple drawing and written hello Art
    Hermann GridMAIN Optical illusion Art, Science
    J.S. Bach's Partita in EPARTITA Plays J.S. Bach's Partita in E Music, Instruments, Play
    J.S. Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D MinorTOCCATA Plays J.S. Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor Music, Instruments, Play
    Logo Works: Lessons in Logo filesBEDROOM, BOOKCASE, CAR, CONNECT, FISH, GALAXY, GALAXY2, MAP, MAZE1, MAZE2, MAZE3, POLYGONS, SHIELD, SHIRT Files referenced in Logo Works: Lessons in Logo Logo Works
    Mandelbrot FractalMAIN Mandelbrot Fractal Math, Complex Images
    Number Guessing GameMAIN A number guessing game Guess, Numbers
    One KeyONEKEY Move the turtle with single keystrokes Keyboard, Turtle, Drawing
    Ricochet PlayMAIN Practicing angles in Logo"s BOUNCE mode Game, Angles, Math
    SailboatANIMATE An animation of a sailboat sailing into the sunset. Animation
    ScatterGramsMAIN Two player game of scrambled words. Game, Controls
    Slide PuzzleMAIN Classical sliding tile puzzle game Game
    SnakesMAIN Demo of using hundreds of turtles Art, Multiple Turtles
    SnowflakesDRAW.FRACT Draws six-sided snowflakes Fractals, Formulae
    String ArtSTRING Koch string variations Koch, Strings, Formulae, Complex Images
    TargetMAIN A way to practice angles and distances by aiming for a target. Game, Estimation, Angles
    The Birthday ParadoxSAMEBIRTHDAY Calculate the probability of two people having the same birthday Math, Birthday
    The On-Screen PianoPIANO Creates a clickable on-screen piano Music, Instruments, Play, Turtle, Drawing, Mouse
    Tic Tac ToeTICTACTOE Play Tic Tac Toe against the computer Game, Tic Tac Toe
    TrianglesColorTriangles5 How many triangles do you see of N non-parallel lines? Math, Combinatorics
    Turtle CountMAIN Guess the number of turtles Game, Logic, Estimation
    Turtle Rope Swing GameMAIN Illustrates angles and degrees Angles, Degrees