Terrapin Resources

the Terrapin newsletter

Volume 20, Number 3 --- -------------------------------- January 2025


Welcome to the winter issue of Turtle Talk, Terrapin's email newsletter with the latest news, announcements, stories, tips, and tools!

Go on a Coding Journey

Embark on exciting Coding Journeys with your students as they explore the capabilities of Bee-Bot, Blue-Bot and Pro-Bot robots. These adventures help determine which robot best fits your students' skills. Terrapin's free Online Emulators allow students to practice coding virtually before engaging with the actual robots.

Each of 14 Coding Journeys includes a mat for Bee-Bot, Blue-Bot, and Pro-Bot. Mats are tailored to each robot's capabilities. Students can begin with Bee-Bot to master coding basics then advance to Blue-Bot and Pro-Bot to explore more complex concepts, such as angles and loops.

The Coding Journeys offer examples of how to integrate coding into various subject areas, including numbers, words, shapes, and more. You'll find helpful tips and lesson ideas for each journey to the right of the mat.

To get started, click on a mat in the Coding Journey section of Terrapin's Resources Site. The associated emulator opens automatically, ready for you to begin a coding adventure.

Coding Journeys are currently available at no charge for Terrapin customers!

Embark on a Coding Journey...

Quick Start with Logo Learning Center

Logo Learning Center

The new Logo Learning Center makes it easy to get started and quickly master the basics of Logo programming. Highlighting the most popular Logo commands in each area, the Logo Learning Center provides examples of using each one so first-time Logo programmers can quickly produce results. Covering areas such as moving the turtle, changing shapes and colors, and working with text, sounds, and numbers, the Learning Center makes it easy to explore Logo's capabilities. Just copy and paste the examples into Logo and see what happens!

The Logo Learning Center joins the comprehensive Terrapin Logo Manual and alphabetical Commands Overview as resources for Logo programmers. Terrapin Logo licensees also have access to Logo Works: Lessons in Logo, a step-by-step tutorial in Logo programming, and 101 Ideas for Logo, a handbook of Logo projects. Be sure to check out Turtle Tuesdays, Logo challenges that appear weekly on Facebook and Instagram as well as on our website.

Try Terrapin Logo and test your programming skills with the 14-day free trial.

Learn more about Terrapin Logo...

Terrapin's new catalog is a convenient offline reference that complements our website. Order one for free.

New mats in the

Tuff-Bot Emulator let you navigate

Tuff-Bot to play croquet, miniature golf, or find a treasure!

Order the Going Places Mat Bundle with 5 Bee-Bot/Blue-Bot narrative mats at a discount along with free shipping on your entire order!

Turtle Talk Archive


Customer Stories


Downloads Center

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800-774-LOGO (5646) | +1-508-487-8181 (international) | Fax 617-302-9778

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